
Program 7. mai | Program 8. mai

7. mai 2025 kl. 08:30 – 16:15

Heldagskonferanse for helsepersonell og beslutningstagere

Utdanningspoeng for helsepersonell deles under Informasjon/For helsepersonell når svar er mottatt fra de respektive profesjonsforeningene.

Konferansen er på engelsk.

08.30-08.35Åse Marie Lønning and Ola Didrik Saugstad
08.35-08.45Kristian Sommerfelt
Very short intro to ME/CFS and Long Covid (LC)
08.45-09.15Carmen Scheibenbogen
Causal mechanisms – Dysimmunity
09.15-09.45Øystein Fluge
Biological treatment strategies: Immunological targets
09.45-10.15Karl Johan Tronstad
Metabolomics and cellular energy supply
10.15-10.25Questions/ short discussion
10.40-11.10David Putrino
New insights from the Covid pandemic
11.10-11.40David Systrom
Circulatory and respiratory aspects
11.40-12.50Questions/ short discussion
12.50-13.20Rob Wüst
PEM (post-exertional malaise) and muscle abnormalities
13.20-13.50Kristian Sommerfelt and Trude Schei
Measuring patient functional capacity
13.50-14.20Brian Hughes
National guidelines: Necessary – but not enough!
14.20-14.30Questions/ short discussion
14.50-15.10Anniken Aase Sommerfelt
ME/CFS: Perspective from a General Practitioner
15.10-15.40Michelle Bull (UK)
Living with ME/CFS and Long Covid – Managing symptoms
15.40-16.15Summary of the day. Plenary.

8. mai 2025 kl. 18:00 – 21:45

Kveldskonferanse åpen for alle

Konferansen er på norsk og engelsk.

Opptak vil senere bli delt på vår YouTube-kanal. Ser mer informasjon under Informasjon/Støtt oss.

18.00-18.10Åse Marie Lønning og Kristian Sommerfelt
Welcome and introduction for the day
18.10-18.25Carmen Scheibenbogen
Causual mechanisms – Dysimmunity
18.25-18.40Øystein Fluge
Biological treatment strategies
18.40-18.55Karl Johan Tronstad
Metabolomics and cellular energy supply
19.30-19.45David Putrino
New insights from the Covid pandemic
19.45-20.00David Systrom
Circulatory and respiratory aspects
20.00-20.15Rob Wüst
PEM (Post-excertional malaise) and muscle abnormalities
20.30-20.45Kristian Sommerfelt
Measuring functional capacity
21.00-21.15Brian Hughes
National guidelines: Necessary – but not enough!
21.15-21.30Anniken Aase Sommerfelt
ME/CFS: Perspective from a Peneral Practitioner
21.30-21.45Michelle Bull (UK)
Living with ME/CFS and Long Covid – Managing symptoms
21.45-22.00Questions & Summary